Tax season is right around the corner and I know what adaunting task this can be on top of your other responsibilities.
Whether working with a tax professional or doing it on your own, you may feel stressed. To help speed things along, I’ve put together this checklist to help you organize the documents you’ll need to file your return (Clients of Collabria receive a detailed annual Tax Letter).
Feel free to use this checklist as needed or provide it to your accountant to make sure this tax season goes off smoothly.
Disclosure--This post is for informational purposes and doesn’t replace personalized advice. Be sure to consult your tax, legal, or accounting professionals before making any changes to your tax strategy.
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Many clients like to donate to charity, but they may not be doing so effectively. With this summary guide, you’ll be able to quickly navigate the common deductible charitable gifts you can give, the AGI limitations for deductions, and whether any other special rules apply. This summary guide covers some key components of deductible charitable gifts, such as:
-What types of assets can be gifted.
-The valuation metrics used for specific assets that are gifted.
-How the type of charity impacts one’s ability to make a charitable gift and receive a deduction.
-AGI limitations associated with deducting charitable gifts.
-Any forms or appraisal requirements that may be needed.
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Your employer-provided benefits are an important part of your financial plan, and we can maximize their effectiveness. Perhaps you:
-Want to make sure your employer-provided retirement plan is optimized for your risk tolerance, goals, and diversification needs;
-Are curious about the effects of adding your spouse or dependents to your employer-sponsored medical insurance;
-Need to review your employer-sponsored disability insurance to ensure you’ve funded your emergency reserves to cover your elimination period.
-Discuss how you’re handling deferred compensation and/or equity (stock) based compensation and taxation.
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This older generation has embraced technology in amazing ways, but the combination of incredibly rapidly changing technology and a desire to remain independent and not be a burden on their children can result in increased financial vulnerability. This checklist helps guide the conversation regarding common threats and scams, ensuring that your parents are informed and actively protecting their identity and assets.
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Adjusted gross income (AGI) and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) are important tax concepts to be aware of when implementing tax planning strategies. However, there are several factors that affect one’sAGI/MAGI, and it can be challenging to keep track of them all. This summary covers the key factors to be aware of when reviewing your AGI/MAGI.
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The end of the year provides a number of both planning opportunities and issues. Year-end topics can include tax planning, investment and retirement accounts, charitable giving, cash flow and savings, insurance and estate planning.
In this comprehensive checklist, I cover a number of planning issues that you need to consider prior to year-end to ensure that you stay on track.
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This brochure features 10 principles that can help investors effectively target long-term wealth in the capital markets. Themes include the power of markets, growth of wealth, drivers of returns, global diversification, and investor discipline.
Focus on what you can control:
· Create a plan that fits your goals and risk tolerance.
- Diversify Globally.
- Manage expenses, turn-over, and taxes.
- Maintain discipline through market dips and swings.
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Many people like rental income because it seems passive and simple, until it isn’t so passive … or simple!
Using this checklist, will help you to understand the challenges and nuances that exist with owning a rental property--- Whether it’s landlord responsibilities and managing risk, or investment and tax/estate concerns:
· The extent of responsibilities a landlord may be subject to.
- The increased and varied risks of owning a rental property.
- The multitude of tax factors that come into play when owning a rental property.
- The impact owning a rental property may have on your estate.
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Estate planning is a topic that is commonly ignored. After all, who likes to plan for what happens after they die? Many individuals have no estate plan in place, and they often don’t know where to start.
This checklist covers the key issues to consider you're developing your estate plan, such as:
· Identifying the appropriate estate planning documents needed for your situation.
· Considering ways for your assets to avoid probate.
· Developing an equitable estate plan that is fair to all heirs involved
· Understanding how specific accounts or assets may be affected after death.
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Market volatility has increased and is unlikely to subside anytime soon. How do you keep your financial plan on track to achieve your goals?
1. Get your finances and your portfolio in the best possible shape
2. Take advantage of lower assets values
3. It’s not just about financial wellness
What will happen over the next three years? Who knows? The good news is, if you’ve planned for the range of outcomes, you won’t have to worry about relying on a prediction.
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There are lots of important numbers that we need to keep in mind. In some cases, those numbers are annual limits that change each year. Other times, the figures do not often change, but are used frequently. In response to this challenge, we’ve created the 2 page “Important Numbers” resource. This quick reference guide covers the most important annual limits as well as figures that are commonly referred to during the year.
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Women are building significant wealth, both alone and with a partner. Different generations have an approach specific to them, but getting a plan in place is important at every age. At all age levels, women are redefining how they think about their financial journey. This includes career paths, planning for flexibility, taking charge of family finances, or being successful on their terms.
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The end of the year provides a number of planning opportunities and issues. Year-end topics can include tax planning, investment and retirement accounts, charitable giving, cash flow and savings, insurance and estate planning. In this checklist, we cover a number of planning issues that you need to consider prior to year-end to ensure you stay on track.
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In today’s economic uncertainty, business closures and layoffs are increasingly common. The loss of a job can cause serious stress personally and financially. To help guide you through a disruption in employment, we’ve created the checklist.
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Whether you’re at a pre-IPO start-up, a growing public company, or a blue chip that just developed a life-saving vaccine, stock options can provide a boost to your current and long-term wealth. The concept is relatively straightforward, but like everything else, the devil is in the details. Maximizing your profit is just one side of the equation – taxes are also a consideration, and the rules are complex. This short read will arm you with enough info to get you started on sorting out your situation.
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Are you considering retiring early? If you’re reassessing the value of continuing to work, and weighing the benefits of exiting your career, you probably have questions. Whether or not you have enough retirement savings or other sources of income to create the retirement you want is the first question most people need to answer, but there are other considerations.
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